I used personification as an example "yelling hailing and shouting". In fact the Canadian gooses cannot really yelling, I used this device to make the poem more animated. I want to use the life- Canadian gooses to disclose the marsh is not only a marsh, It is also a lively nestle of the nature. The example of the metaphor in this poem is " angels are coming". I attempted to make the goose become angels and come back to their heaven-marsh. I think this way can make audience thought of the marsh deeply. The example of simile and hyperbole is " like the heavy cloud,without any burdens", for this , I was trying to use these two devices to make the color of the background more dark and heavy, because of this, the sight on my poem will be easy to lift the gooses and the marsh. Except some important description, I also used some alliteration just like the "following the first fallers".
a. What is the literary device?
The literary device is the use or way of every genres that can use them to describe the setting character or other important part of the literary. It also can make the literary more elegant.
b. What is the example from your poem?
Personification, simile, Alliteration, Metaphor, imagery and hyperbole.
c. Why did you use it (Create mood? Create tone? Create rhythm? Create meaning?)Use 3-5 sentences to explain the example.
I chose those literary devices because of they are really useful to create my own stage. I used it to create a situation that is from sadness to the happiness. The create meaning is about the feeling of people when they saw a marsh. I like this landscape and chose this to write because when I saw the picture I felt soft and comfortable.
2. Using 12-15 sentences, explain the insightful and mature meaning of your poem.THINK DEEP AND THINK DEEPER!
The sight that I wants to present is a marsh in the dark red setting sun. The Canadian gooses are flying back to their home and a crow of birds one by one and falling down. I think my poem was developed by the gooses. At the first time, these group of gooses are flying across the dark forests and saw a very bright sight after they went out. They know where the water is because of the water is their home- the marsh. They were shouting because of they are happy to go back home, go back to the lively marsh. On the other hand, the marsh was lonely enough because he always standing alone in this static sight. I used personification to reveal the sadness of the marsh and the happiness starting when the marsh saw his guests are coming back. I thought of I am one of the gooses and use gooses' view to see the exciting marsh. At that time, I wrote the" burning water", This is a evidence of how the marsh excited. Than is '' swallowed the scalding sun", I used this because I want to describe the embrace between the marsh and its birds when all of the gooses are falling of to the water. The final three lines are talking about the shape and the action of the water when the wind blowing through the marsh, I wanted to show a very soft and brittle feeling just like the wind is going to blow away the marsh. When I wrote this stanza, I thought of a notable movie called " Gone With the Wind".
3. What is your poem about?
My poem is about a sight just like the picture I had posted. A lonely marsh felt gloomy and somber because of he bored for his place, but when the lives were coming back, this place resumed its active. He knew that his companions went back so the pessimist become optimist.
4. How do you represent the Canadian landscape in your poem? Use 3-5 sentences.
I represent it by the view above the sky, the literary devices and the creates of the marsh. I used some point that just like the gooses are surrounding the marsh. The voices of the birds can distribute the importance of the marsh for the natural area of Canada.
5. Imagine you are an explorer and sent this poem to your King or Queen, how would they feel about the Canadian landscape?
In a confidence thought, I might think they won't obscure my poem. In fact, I think my poem also has some meager part such as the imagery. I think I need to put more feeling of imagery to my marsh. I will do well on my"Cherry Blossom" of next poem and sufficient my lacking parts of this poem.