
Fur trade!

These pictures shows the fur trade from different ways. Fur trade is a popular term that people would like to wear fur clothes. The best material for hat felt was the soft underfur of the beaver. The first picture reveals a cute animal caught by the sharp tool. The poor animal was aggressive when he feels someone is coming. His eyes represent his feeling: suspense, emotion or hate. The common animals are facing the big danger, what's worse the valuable animal of Canada.

The pictures after the first one display the transportation and the selling of the furs. The second one is a ship picture. I don't know why they are smiling, maybe they like working on transport. In Canada, it is not allowed to kill beavers and sell their skins. It is a pessimistic experience of Canadian history. It is also a tragedy of beavers. The sellers of other countries would not understand the mood of beavers.

The next picture is about the fur store. When I saw a lot of furs integraled on the wall, I thought of the past. Ms Chan told us to write a answer about selling beaver's fur. At that time, I can't thought a interesting answer for this question. I think if the seller is me, I will get a blame from my responsibility because when I saw the carcass of beavers, I will feel angry and sad.

The forth is the ship of the transportation. There are many passels of the fur. There are some different goods are made by beaver. In the French, people use beavers' skin to made hat. The native people also like the idea of trading furs.They have enough beaver to make six hundred hats.That is a bloody trading of business.

The final picture is about a beaver toy. I chose this picture because I thought of a important idea. If people use beaver's skin to make a toy of beaver, it must very irony. People don't need real beaver but love the toys. If the toy is instead of the real animal, what a horrible event will be?

1 条评论:

  1. Picture 1 -- A very good explanation. Be careful with your grammar. I don't understand "what's worse the valuable animal".

    Picture 2 -- It is quite tragic for beavers. I don't see how this picture shows the fur trade.

    Picture 3 -- Your feelings are very well said. It is very sad for the beavers but they were doing it for profit and business. Do you think people in the world today still do this even if it is not allowed? 3/3

    Picture 4 - You seem to really think about the perspective of the beavers. 3/3

    Picture 5 - Wow. A very thoughtful connection with irony. 3/3

    13/15 A very thoughtful entry!


