Topic:"exploration is important for countries"
Introduction:Exploration is an activity that people can build information and experiences on it. In the past, John Cabot and Jacques Cartier had got some new lands, materials and cultures by the viking trip. They became hero by the exploration. At the same time, they made a new phase of their countries. By the exploration, there were a number of ideas or decisions began, people started to urban and imposed the new continents.
Statement:Exploration not only brings the success to the explorer but also gives hope to waiters who at home, exploration push the development of each countries and people got great achievement from different explorations, such as space exploration, exploration on the sea and project exploration.
paragraph1: Space exploration helped the development of countries. It developed inventions and collected some new information of countries. We made rocket travel to the moon and inventors investigate the relationship between the moon and vacuum. The inventors made some machines that can check the moon's surface. Explorers had arrived the surface of the moon. They are all the dreams of people in the past, but now, exploration changed them into a fact. These achievement will lead the exploration to go to a new term. They are also the exlamples that exposed exploration's importantment.
paragraph 2: The development on the sea made some immense success, it built the heroes of the exploration of a country's history and provided the resources we have today. Marco Polo discovered the Asia after the exploration. Christopher Columbus discovered new lands after he read the stories of Marco. The next man is Cabot, than is Cartier. They all use their clever and courage to finished their complete venture and got the success of their countries. They were the fathers of all the land that they had discovered , they were all the patriots that dedicate for their country without a benefit. The exploration on the sea told the stories of each explorer. They use their hand to write the history of the world. The exploration was built like this, the next myth is waiting for a new hero to continue its secret.
paragraph3: The final example of the exploration is archaeology. Archaeology is different from the volume of first two sections, but it is also important to the improvement of countries. The explorers of this exploration is usually called archaeologist. Their job is to collect and clean the bones of dinosaurs. Some of them are also calculating the phase of these bones, just like to figure out the age of the bone. In fact, archaeologists dig the bones won't make people meeting any dangers and workers only should hardworking on the tunnels, but it is really a great work that was also be loved. It is cherish and cling by people because it can expose the past of people. Many enthusiasts of Jurassic Period are enjoy it very much. Inventors understand the reason of the birth of human by the archaeology. Now, there are many facts haven't been exposed, so there are many chances to develop this great program. many inventors' path of future had been illuminated by the archaeological exploration.
conclusion: Exploration not only brings the success to explorers but also gives hope to the waiters who at home, exploration pushed the development of each country, it also got great achievement from many different ways, such us space exploration, exploration on the sea and archaeology. At this period, there are many works are cling with the exploration. Some huge achievements are built by this great projects. Exploration lives with the country's society and universal. In the future, the exploration will persist to lead the countries' development and the people's knowladge will be more and more, the level of people will be better and better.