
Jacque Cartier

For the Question1:


He looks kind polite and honest . The first picture reveals he is hard working. He wears a red hat and a fur coat. he hold a chopsticks, under his hand is a earth globe. He watches the map of coast carefully. The other one shows his famous portrait. His right hand is on his waist and the left hand is supporting his chin.


Jacques Cartier became the next important explorer of the waters off the east coast of North America.

In 1534 King Francis I sent French explorer Jacques Cartier to find a northwest passage to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands.

Jacques Cartier and his crew arrived on the east coast of Canada.

Captain Cartier ordered his crew to placed a shield with three fleur-de-lys and a wooden board with the words , "Vivre le Roi de France" .

Cartier made three voyages to the New World between 1534 and 1542.

In 1534, it was Chief Donnacona of the St. Lawrence Iroquois, who protested when Cartier erected the ten-metre cross on the shores of the Bay of Chaleur.

In 1535, Cartier found the mouth of the St. Lawrence River.

He sailed upriver to Donnacona's village at Stadacona where Quebec city is located today.

In 1543 they returned to their mother country, ending France's first attempt at establishing a colony in the New World.

Much of the French claim to Canada was based on Cartier’s explorations.


He is important to the Canadian history because he found some new lands of Canada and named them. The lands are still using today.


In 1534 king Francis sent him to found a northwest passage to the Moluccas or Spice Islands.


This map is the voyage map of 1534. The red line shows he across the water between a huge Island and New found land. He arrived Gulf of St Lawrence and Antipasti Island and Gasp Peninsula.

Part B:

Question7:I'd feel exciting when I seeing the Europeans for the first time. I would say hallo to them warmly and give them some special and valuable goods from China for the friendship. I also would try to eat their food if I can accept and know their culture. By the video, I think they may give me some fur to in stead of my goods. I think it was a interesting habits of them.

Question8:a I learned the Iroquois of the New found land. Cartier arrived the Island and saw the Indians. He gave some tools to the Iroquois and on the other way , The Iroquois gave some values to them. They bring Donnacona's sons to the Europe and they got a good experience and they told the story to Donnacona. I think Donnacona's two son are very lucky because they have chance to learn Europeans' culture.

b The video shows me that Cartier was stay at the island with Iroquois. He felt strenge with them but he should stay there because it is too cold to move. The Iroquois didn't have good health during the winter. Someone will die because of the temperature. Donnacona's son gave Cartier some soup for the severe winter.


Scurvy a disease common among sailors caused by lack of fresh fruit and vegetables containing vitamin C.

Qustion10: On his second voyage in 1535, Cartier found the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. Cartier spent the winter at Stadacona, his man got scurvy and a hundred people died. The rest were saved by one of Donnacona's sons who gave them a broth made from the bark and needles of cedar.

Question11:I think I can friendly with them because Donnacona's son went to the Europe and learned their culture. They may got a good experience and know more information. They may taught the Iroquois.

Read page 221-222 of your textbook. The information on these pages are important.Find the words in bold on these two pages. Translate them and write a new sentence with them using your own words. Post it here.

archipelago(群岛): North America was not a archipelago of islands.

scurvy(坏血病):Scurvy killed a hundred people of sailers.

immunity(免疫性): Some medicines can make immunity in our body.

Sieur(领主):The sieur would not be allow someone break his sweet dream.

Pyrites(滤液): Pyrite is a kind of mineral with yellow color.

treachery(背叛):Sometimes, treachery shows a person who is afraid of death.

1 条评论:

  1. Try to use more of your own words!

    I like the questions that talk about your own ideas! You have really thoughtful opinions!


    (sailor and not sailer)

    Remember to check your spelling before your post!


