
My Literary Essay!Yeah!

There are a lot of different kinds of bravery in the world. Some of born a life, some of the responsible and some of the fight on the war. Only can make sure that, is they all come from people's heart. In "Sir Gawain and Green Knight" and "The Sniper", they have different setting, different conflict, different characters, but both of these two stories reveal people's great from the courage.
In this story " Sir Gawain and Green Knight", Green Knight is a brave antagonist who shows his bravery when he challenges the Round Table knights and is never scares about being struck. in the story, the Green Knight can challenge the Round Table knights. For example, he roared " Are you all cowards?" When he said the requirement and the room became silent. It shows he is a remarkable person. Usually, the common people have no courage to shout to the powerful king and his strong knights. Not only he did and after the calm he still exasperates them. On the other way, even if Green Knight forces against Sir Gawain but he never be afraid of the death surface when he is going to be strike. For instance, " The Green Knight lifted his long green hair to expose his green neck." when sir Gawain wants to strike his back, he exposes his neck calmly. As an illustration, he dares to use his neck to accept the sharp axe. If he really is afraid of death he won't use his end time to lift his hair. Sometimes, a person would flee but he stood up. This point really shows he is a brave person. The conflict is suit to this character. In the final analysis, bravery is a spirit of Green Knight, that is why he is able to challenge other people's courage.
In this story" The sniper", the sniper is a brave protagonist who was never afraid of death on the war, never worried about his hurt and was calm to versus his enemy. In the story, the sniper is the protagonist who reveals his bravery when he was trying to overcome his pain. As an illustration," a paroxysm of pain swept through him." is his feeling description when he broke the neck of the iodine bottle and let the bitter fluid drip into the wound." This example shows a very good conflict of the sniper because it describes his wound is severe. Even if his wound is really deep, he is still trying to battle himself. He knows that if he wants to change his fate, he must overcome and experience this process. It reveals his expectation of his life his life is sufficient. His persistence displayed his bravery. In addition, the sniper was calm to go against his enemy when he was in a risky situation, his calmness reveals he is a brave person. As an example, " taking off his cap, he placed it over the muzzle of his rifle." when he is in the danger, he thought of a smart plan to kill that enemy boy. Subsequently, the sniper reveals his courage by his clever plan. At the critical time, the sniper didn't pessimist and thought a lot. He tried his best to escape the death. There is a little person can accept the fact and choose the correct way, but he did. The conflict really shows his bravery and his bravery saved his life. All opinions considered, the sniper is a delicate character who showed his courage and the story exposes the war well by the boy.
People can’t be with out courage in their life. Courage is inborn, everybody can have it. Even if people fail or flee, it can still decide on how to be brave. During the difficult time does not represent people's failure. Only win from the end of effort. “Sir Gawain and Green Knight” and “The Sniper” demonstrated these clearly.



